Oh, What a special day today!
If you are the lucky mom of some little monster(s), you know today is going to be THE day! They usually prepared some surprises at school and are very eager to give their surprise(s) away…It is so nice to see their excitement and desire to please you, as a Mom.
As every year, this day starts (very!!) early: 7h20 to be precise. So much for a Sunday! A little face looking at me, just millimetres away from my face still on the pillow. The first thing I see is a very big smile cleary showing true happiness. The first thing I hear is Happy Mother’s Day. Followed by countless smiles, explanations, drawings and of course THE gift!
I was lucky this year, no pasta necklaces but a very lovely poem and a key ring! I supposed I should thank the teacher too!
It is during a day like this, that I always realise that there are some many things going on behind my back, that is is almost scary! The Little Monster has been complotting again with my husband for quite some time, it seems! This secrecy meaning it is even more exciting! In a way, it is really a family’s affair. The rest of the family trying to make that day special for the unsuspecting Mom (well unsuspecting pretending Mom!).
I hope you will have/had a very lovely day today!
May you be blessed with any more drawings, attentions, smiles and cuddles!
Time flies so fast!